Tag Archive | human

Its been a long time

What up bitchs and Donkeynites

I know its been a long time since I did anything here but I got shit to do.

I’ve notice that my anti-Juggalo works have been getting attention by like minded civilized people and the few Juggalos that could read. These reading Juggalos need to be exterminated first if Obama stops being a lazy welfare president. But no he likes to waste time crying about dead kids in Florida and Mississippi (or Missouri same shit hole right).

Any how I got too much shit to do and Ive been getting way too much ass to come here so I will post some pics of hot chicks just to make up for it.

ava d




Also we need to make a second mothers day to honor the MILF’s


Some One In Palestinian Territory Checked Out My Page (Why?)

A few days ago I was checking how awesome I was and it came to my attention that someone in the Palestinian Territory had checked out my page. To those retards unaware, Palestinian Territory is Israels version of the ghetto -think Compton + Detroit populated with Raider fans but no black people = Palestinian Territory.

What shocked me (besides internet being available in the Palestinian Territory) was they check my page out and not some hot chicks. I mean I have to assume internet is limited and even though I should be honored; porno would have been a better influence on this person.

If this poor donkeynite could go back on the web this is what I want him to check out:






You could also find Star Wars sluts online too:



We also got hot MILFs:





You could even find athletic chicks who like to get sexy:




The point is never waste internet time on non porn when your service is limited. I also advice checking up hot chicks since the Palestinian Territory is a shithole ruled by fags and the women their are fat or gimped out.

But thank you lone donkeynite for risking your internet time to check out The Donkey Report.

Like My Facebook Page

Ok my fellow Donkeynites

I have set up a fan page on Facebook and I need all you fans and haters like it.
That way you can get all the Donkey Punch shit talk that will brighten your sad and miserable day.
Like all my trolling on Huffington Post and blog updates from here.

Because I’m awesome so like it!

Donkey Punch has made 100 comments on the Huffington Post

Today I would like to commemorate my accomplishment of having made my 100th post on The Huffington Post. After half a years worth of trolling, I have survived to make 100 comments – This is awesome.

To honor this event here are some of the best shit I’v posted on the Huffington Post:

Bobby Jindal School Voucher System Blasted As ‘Destruction Of Education’ By Religious Group
Commented Aug 9, 2012 at 03:53:36 in Politics
“hey hey hey, I do not what my tax money wasted on education that is satisfactory for bible thumping imbreeds. This is America, you want a union of church and state than move to Iran or Utah”

Mitt Romney Started Bain Capital With Money From Families Tied To Death Squads
Commented Aug 9, 2012 at 03:47:03 in Politics
“So what? Every country has problems with welfare leachs and and gangs. El Salvador decided to use a more effective methods. Hey death squads are better at putting down drug fueled gangs than hippies blaming rich people.”

Naomi Schaefer Riley, Chronicle Of Higher Education Blogger, Fired For Calling Black Studies ‘Claptrap’
Commented May 29, 2012 at 04:32:45 in Black Voices
“Ok genius explain to all of us how MLK won WWII…! That is right he did nothing to stop the Nazi’s from invading America. History is white washed because white people won WWII, invented cars and airplanes, ended slavery, build ships and made nukes. All black people did was cry for welfare.”

Jan Brewer Defends Immigration Crackdown, Says Mexico ‘Controlled By Drug Cartels’
Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 16:28:43 in Politics
“Finally some one calls out the Mexican government for what it really is, they finance and protect all the drug cartel and people crossing the border and expect us to clean up their mess.I say we deploy some drones and take out cartel leaders just to show they are not that tuff compared to the the US military.”

Viswanathan Anand Retains World Chess Title
Commented May 31, 2012 at 03:53:51 in Sports
“Chess is not a sport, this belongs in the games or education or nerd section. I hate it when news outlets put chess as a sport, its demeaning to real sports like football, baseball or basketball. Stop trying to make non-athletic fat nerds feel good about themselves.”

Sunday Shows Overwhelmingly White And Male: Study
Commented Feb 12, 2012 at 17:00:04 in Media
“Lack of diversity on Sunday talk shows – Wow that would be shocking if anyone really cares about diversity. The issue of diversity is only important to radical college professors, politicians with white guilt and the diversity lobby. Other than that nobody gives a crap about diversity as its a very trivial issue.”



The Plan of Eradicating Juggalo’s

Hitler Clown


Its no secret that our world would be a lot better without Insane Clown Posse and those rats known as Juggalo’s. They are an embarrassment to Western Society and every day they live is a mockery to all we have worked for.

Yet how do we as a society remove such a virus from our gene pool as the Juggalo is a savage animal. Despite the obstacle it is not a puzzle on how to deal with the human infestation of Juggalo.

By digging into great wisdom, something Juggalo lack, the solution to dealing with the Juggalo question has been detailed in the following actions needed to be taken.

Detain ICP: First ICP must be detained and forced disappeared to Gitmo. But don’t kill them just to avoid a Juggalo uprising. Because nothing is more dangerous than a Juggalo uprising.

Public identification of Juggalo’s: Now that the leaders have been detained all Juggalo’s need to be publicly identified. We the public need to know who is Juggalo so we avoid mixing them into real society.

Suspend Juggalo rights: After public identficaction socity needs to strip Juggalo’s of their rights. This act is for the protection of society since giving Juggalo rights is dangerous. They need to be stripped of their:
* Right to vote
* Right to own guns (definitely)
* Right to property
* Go to school
* Interact with humans
(along with other stuff)

Ban Juggalo’s from Breeding: We need to prevent Juggalo’s from passing their DNA to the next generation. That is why Juggalo should not be allowed to breed. To ensure that Juggalo’s don’t pass on their genes to mix their DNA with people, they must all be castrated and have saltpeter added to their food to avoid sexual arousal.

This will ensure that no Juggalo will ever have sexual arousal or have the possibility of breeding. Also watching Juggalo have sex is repulisve and nobody wants to see that.

Confine Juggalo’s into Internment Camps: After taking away their right we need to separate them from functioning society by interning them in designated condiments around the country. Despite lacking rights, the Juggalo is still threat to society and must be caged like animals.

Of coarse they can not be allowed to roam these internment camps like animals. So………

Forced Labor: Since Juggalo’s are too stupid to do real work (like rocket science) and internment coast money it only makes sense to make them work. The Juggalo can be used for janitor work, road work, picking garbage, and other dangerous or degrading work.

After all since most Juggalo were too dumb to get even a GED its only appropriate to make them do the most degrading of work for no pay. Make the mules work 10 hours a day so they can make up for having wasted socities resources on them.

But if they refuse…..

Extermination: Since they refuse to work and they are a problem, than the extermination of Juggalo is the only reasonable solution.

This was going to happen at some time as to keep the Juggalo alive would be a smite on the human race. By extermination can humans free themselves from this mistake.

One should not feel guilty as to exterminate the Juggalo is actually a blessing for the family as this embarrassment will be erased. The more we exterminate, the faster the human race can be purified from Juggalo’s.

The process of extermination could be carefully planned with maybe 3-5 shoot a week in the back woods to avoid them suspecting of an extermination.

Or just do this …..

Just saying that would be easier!

Regardless parents need to do their part to keep their kids from becoming Juggalo. For now make sure your kids go to school and stay away from undesirables like the Juggalo.
